TV Commercial: Adventures of Bayou Billy
The Adventures of Bayou Billy

This ad for Bayou Billy certianly fits in the "huh" category. Here we find Billy, a Crocodile Dundee-wanabee type, who's pitching his game while wrestling a fake alligator, which turns into a real gator halfway through the spot. Take a look at what he says:

"Wait 'til you get your hands on Konami's new video game starring me, that ragin' cajin, Bayou Billy. And for the first time ever Konami combines hand-to-hand combat - with drivin' and shooting - and of course zappin - in one swamp stompin' adventure!"
"The Adventures of Bayou Billy for Nintendo."
"It all starts when I get out of this here swamp. You really getting me riled now!"

"Watch me wrestle this here gator while telling you about my game." "This fake gator ain't much of a challenge." Definelty don't try this at home.
"I dare you to fight me now." Well, that's it for me, but still check out my game. The game itself; rubber alligator not included.

I hope Konami wasn't sending a message saying you should fight allgators for this game, because trust me, it's not worth it. Castlevania, maybe.

This clip was recoreded by myself, and is hosted by The Warp Zone.
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