TV Commercial: NES Deluxe Set
NES Deluxe Set

This is a very early ad for the NES Deluxe Set, which, if you remember, came with the Robot Operating Buddy. Interestingly enough, ROB is featured prominently in this spot as on one stormy night, a young game player takes on Gyromite, Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, and others.

"When you get a hold of the Nintendo Entertainment System, when you master ROB the video robot, and meet the challenge of Gyromite, when you shoot the light-sensing Zapper, when you play the system with the most arcade hits, you're playing with power! The Nintendo Entertainment System. NOW YOU'RE PLAYING WITH POWER!"

There he sits, waiting. A boy and his 'bot. Watch ROB take on Gyromite.
I'm so good with a Zapper. I'M SO WICKED BAD!

As you can tell by the screengrabs the ad is not the best quality but is still quite viewable.

This clip was recoreded by myself, and is hosted by The Warp Zone.
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