As far as the difficulty level goes, it's pretty balanced for the most part. It may start off a little difficult with no life meter but you can easily build it up to get you going, and once you learn the ins and outs of each level, you should have very little trouble reaching the end. There are a few stages that can be downright frustrating and cause you to throw your controller at your TV, such as Areas 6 and 10, but it doesn't hurt the game too much. A minor gripe also involves the communicators; if you bring the wrong one into a stage, it'll keep you from reaching the end. If this happens you can push Select, A, and B together to leave the area, but you will have to restart the stage. At the same time you never have to worry about staring the entire game over; continues are limited by how many you get from the overhead areas, but you can easily enter the overhead stages repeatedly, making it easy to replenish them.
Anyway you look at it, Boinic Commando ranks as one of the finest platform titles ever released for the NES. The fun unique gameplay is backed up by a good story, great graphics and awesome soundtrack to form a stellar package. Although the control issues do get in the way at times, it's not enough to deter an otherwise stellar release from Capcom. Even after all these years, Bionic Commando still passes the NES test with flying colors, so you'll definetly want to sign up for this mission pronto.
- Review posted on January 8, 2008