However this game can be difficult at times. If you decide to play this game normally without cheat codes, you'll only have three lives to start, and the fact that one hit kills you means that your game will end quickly. The infamous Konami code that lets you start with 30 lives does help, but you'll still be dying a lot, so be glad you get all the extra men. If you can be this game without the 30-man code, you can call yourself a true expert.
Contra is an all-out joy to play, a classic that has held up well over the years. The game is well-designed, the action never gets old, and the addictiveness ensures you'll keep coming back to this one even after you've beaten it. This game is also a good 2-player title, if you remember to stay together. While others may like the sequel more, Contra is still one of the top NES games of all time, perfect for old-fashioned blast-athons.
- Review posted on July 27, 2007