Fortunately this game's positives outweigh the negatives. The new features really add to the Dragon Warrior experience, plus the three-hero party system provides the oppertunity for some strategy to use for the battles. Despite the frustrating difficulty, DW2 still has that addictive charm that keeps you coming back even after you've died a dozen times, hoping to finally conquer that monsters or complete that dungeon that's been plaguing you.
So the bottom line is even with its problems, Dragon Warrior II still proves to be a good entry in the series. It does provide a fun yet flawed quest, and at least you won't finish it too quickly; you'll have to put in a good amount of gameplay time to reach the end. While the little improvements like the lighted-up caves really help out the overall gameplay, the fact is Enix still could have done a better job with this game; it would have been better if you could choose the classes for your partners, and they should have reduced the difficulty, among other things. Also it's hard to recommend this game instead of Dragon Warriors 3 & 4, both of which are first-rate RPGs, or even the first one, which wasn't as frustrating as this entry. Nevertheless Dragon Warrior II still deserves a playthrough or two, and if you're brave enough to put up with the frustration, you'll still have a worthwhile adventure.
- Review posted on March 19, 2007