If you're still reeling from the tough gameplay of DW2, fear not; Enix fixed the difficulty problems of the previous game and it shows here. The fact that you can form your party at the start means you don't have to worry about being ambushed on your own (unless three of your characters died and you need to walk to a House of Healing). Plus the magic spells are more evenly divided, meaning you usually don't have to depend on just one person for healing spells and so on. The game itself never gets too frustrating; there are some tough spots, and the random encounters can get too frequent at times, but with a bit of practice and leveling up the trouble spots can be overcome. Also you won't have too much trouble trying to decide where to go next, as the various people you talk to are more helpful in pointing you in the right direction. Finally this game also boasts a good replayability factor; once you do reach the end, you can play again with a party of different professions and try different things.
Bottom line is Dragon Warrior III is one of the greatest RPGs on the NES, as well as one the best entries in the series. There is just so much to see and do that you won't be done for a long while, and that's fortunate since this is an enjoyable cartridge that'll keep you engaged for a long while. This is one quest game that's definetly worth its weight in gold.
- Review posted on September 21, 2007