Fortunately, despite the negatives, Ice Climber is still a pretty playable title. This game is easy for anyone to pick up and play, and the enemies don't really pose a threat, so you should have very few problems (other than the jumping). The stage select makes it so you don't have to start from stage one every time, which is also a plus.
So while Ice Climber serves its purpose as a decent launch title, there's just not much to keep anyone's interest for a long time. It can be fun if you can get past the jumping problems and does serve as a decent battleground for two-player contests, but the repretitiveness and frustration keep this from being more than just above-average. Had the jumping controls been done better, this game would have scored higher and been more fun to play. Those that have the patience to weather the control issues will find a decent title, but others will simply leave this one in the cold.
- Review posted on December 9, 2006